1. The core tach of the curriculum is the curriculum implement of which the basic approach is classroom teaching. 课程改革的核心环节是课程实施,而课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学。
2. The tach display board has the numeric and bargraph readouts for the engine rpm, as well as the bargraph levels of the fuel, oil, voltage and water. 显示板的环的数字和光柱读数发动机转速以及光柱水平的燃料,油料,电压和水。
3. DongGuan TianDu Elrctronic Co. , Ltd. Specialized manufacture sale electronic switching, plug such as tach switch, slide switch, rocker switch, audio jack, AC power jack, DC power jack. 东莞市田都电子有限公司专业制造轻触开关,拨动开关,船型开关,耳机插座,AC电源插座,DC电源插座,触动开关,滑动开关,翘板开关,音频插座,电话插座,音频连接器,直流电源插座,交流电源插座。
1. measuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation