1. To make an rpm -drop test, a tachometer is needed. 做每分钟转速下降试验时,需要一个转速表。
2. The operation process of GPS(RTK) electronic tachometer is introduced and its application in topographic survey is briefly illustrated. 本文介绍了GPS(RTK)配合全站仪的作业流程,简要阐明了其在地形测量中的应用。
3. Product package including: temperature hygrometer, noise, the digital meter, anemometer, illuminance dollars, tachometer, water, the infrared thermometer and so on. 产品包 括:温湿度计、噪音计、数位式电表、风速计、照度 计、转速计、水份计、红外线测温仪等。
1. measuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation