1. As Virgo moms are very particular about time, therefore they would love anything which is timesaving. 处女座妈妈时间观念很强,她们偏爱任何能节省时间的玩意儿。
2. The result showed that QIAGEN method was simple, timesaving, high-yield, high-purity, low levels of impurity and DNA fragments. QIAGEN试剂盒法简单省时,提取的山楂总DNA产量高、纯度高、杂质少、DNA碎片少。
3. Trainers and trainees can have access to their personal training plans anywhere and at any time. This is what makes the system extremely flexible and timesaving. 无论何时何地,教员和学员都可以访问他们的个人培训计划,使得系统极其灵活和省时。