trend 指事物发展总的方向、倾向或趋势。 tendency 指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的影响或干扰。 current 指向某一方面发展或在确趋向中行动。
1. This is not a strong trend breakout. 这不是一次有力的趋势突破。
2. The trend reverse pattern near 2600 may also include the development of a saucer pattern. 2600点附近的趋势反转形态也可能包括一个碟型形态的形成。
3. Discusses the trend index and its application for analyzing the trend of liquor variation. 论述了趋向指数及其在分析液量变化趋势方面的应用。
1. a general direction in which something tends to move
2. general line of orientation
3. a general tendency to change (as of opinion)
4. the popular taste at a given time v.
1. turn sharply; change direction abruptly