1. "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense. “结果好就一切都好,”这是我们的常识一致公认的名言。
2. The dictum that sovereign applications should fill the screen is also true of document windows within the application itself. “独占应用应该占据整个屏幕”这个原则对于程序内的文档窗口来说也成立。
3. Drucker's management dictum that what is measured . gets done. what is important must be measured. is a sacred rule that must be respected. 在管理上。德鲁克的至理名言是:量化的工作能做好。重要的事情要量化。这条规律必须被尊重!
1. an authoritative declaration
2. an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and ther